, Drew Peterson Defense Fund Raising Website

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We know American people are very generous whenever someone or some a family suffers a great loss, they'd like to donate money. But for the case of Drew Peterson, the Illinois police whose third wife Kathleen Savio died of suspected foul play and fourth wife Stacy Peterson vanished this October, we are skeptical of the willings of generous American people. We can't definitely say Drew Peterson is the one who orchestrated his two wife's deaths, but we do think he is a suspect. The former police now constructed to beg for public help to raise his legal defense. Let's us know if you will donate or not to Drew Peterson Defense Fund. For us, we will not.

Update: reported that Drew Peterson on Wednesday December 12 said a gunshot in his home in the summer resulted from his fourth wife, Stacy, accidentally firing the handgun he gave her as a present.

"It was an accidental discharge -- in my home by Stacy," Peterson said in an interview at their Bolingbrook home. "She had a fascination with guns. I bought her a Glock for Valentine's [Day] -- because nothing says I love you like a Glock. That was our joke."

Do you believe or not?