Megan Had It Coming, Lori Drew Imposer's Blog

tina meier, megan meier's mother picture

Tina Meier holding two pictures of suicidal daughter Megan Meier (AP)

These days we are fed up with Lori Drew's story for her alleged role in causing Megan Meier's death. Here is one more piece. Megan Had It Coming is a blog recently created on Google's by some a girl she called herself Kristen (actually she doesn't want to give out her real name) according to her first post Set the record straight. Even though currently there are only three posts, each post attracts hundreds and thousands of comments which were mainly from angry readers. The latest entry titled I'm Lori Drew laid out Drew's would-be motives for getting involved with the MySpace hoax against Meier. According to Jim Briscoe who is the Drew family's lawyer, they have not asked police to look into the blog postings but did have informed Google Inc. to tell them that was an impostor.

"Any Internet message that purports to be a member of the Drew family is being managed by an impostor and undoubtedly is being done for the purpose of further damaging the Drews' reputation," the family said in a statement released earlier today. Source: WP Tags: ,