Naja Ashei, World's Largest Spitting Cobra Species Found

World's Largest Spitting Cobra Species found in Kenyan Bio-ken farm

Naja ashei, World's Largest Spitting Cobra

Conservationists from WildlifeDirect found a new spitting cobra species, Naja ashei, which is named after late James Ashe, a cobra expert who founded Bio-Ken snake farm in Watamu on Kenya's tropical coast. Growing up to nine feet (2.74m) and possessing enough venom to kill 20 people with one bite, Naja ashei, also known as a large brown spitting cobra, is the world's largest spitting cobra (king cobra is the world's largest venomous snake.

According to Herpetologist Wolfgang Wuster and Donald G. Bradley, this unique snake can be found in the dry lowlands of northern and eastern Kenya, northeastern Uganda, southern Ethiopia and southern Somalia. So whenever you or your friends travel to this area, please do pay attention to the risk of encountering such deadly cobra.

More pictures after jump:

longest spitting cobra naja ashei picturelongest spitting cobra naja ashei picture1longest spitting cobra naja ashei picture2

Source: National Geographic & Chinadaily. Click here and here to know the stories how the herpetologists found and identified Naja ashei. Tags: , , ,