Meet Paul Karason, the man turns blue! Paul Karason, 57, has a rare blue skin condition. He originally lived at Oregon but now had moved to Madera, California.
He started the gradual transition from fair skin into a dark blue colour 14 years ago.
The cause of his discoloration may be linked to a substance he once drunk called colloidal silver, which is made by extracting silver from metal. A medical condition called Argyria has been linked to such discoloration since the days when silver solutions were used as antibiotics.
Karason does not believe drinking the potion is what caused his discoloration, but does believe it happened because he rubbed it on his face to treat a skin problem.
Check out the video below of Paul Karason, Blue Man In California.
Update: January 7, Paul Karason appeared on Today Show, click here to watch the man who turned blue explaining to anchor Matt Lauer what caused his skin to become this color and the scrutiny he experiences for being blue. The following picture is a screenshot from the show

Source: kcby Tags: Paul Karason, Blue Man, California, Argyria, collodial silver