Bai Ling Arrested Over Alleged Shopliftting in Los Angeles International Airport

bai ling LAX shoplift mugshot
Bai Ling Mugshot (Los Angeles Police Department @ Airport Division & AP)

Bai Ling had a sad Valentine's day! The Chinese-born actress and June 2005 Playboy cover model was arrested on Wednesday at the Los Angeles International Airport over allegedly shopliftting $16 worth of celebrity magazines and a package of batteries from a terminal convenience store. The 37-year-old actress who has appeared in The Crow, Wild Wild West, and Anna and the King was released after agreeing to appear in court on March 5.

A post in her private blog Hello on the day, Bai Ling didn't mention the incident, but wished "the loved ones are together sharing love and smile":

No matter what happens, today is a Valentines day, I still want to wish all the loved ones are together sharing love and smile and a tender kiss under the beautiful sky

Here I am in Albuquerque with my heart feeling sad, and my emotions are running through me like a wild river, tears come from the lake of my heart hurt my eyes. Life happens to you either you liked it or not, sometimes I feel you have to be so brave to stand in front of the World, and just hope that people will have a tender heart toward you. Right now I just walked from the set to My trailer, cold, but the evening brightness on the sky is just so beautiful in Albuquerque, so beautiful, it takes my breath away like a bralliant lover, nature is my gift, no matter what happens it always there to confort me give me wisdom and love, how lucky I am to have it and recognise its beauty and power. So beautiful here in Albuquerque, the desert the wild endless land, the stars and the moon so up high there quietly singing a Valentines song. Many many friends called me today but I can not talk because I am shooting, I want to thank all my friends and the people that I don't even know out there cared for me and send me love. Its a gift and I am lucky to have you. Thankful with all my heart to all of you and send my Valentines love smile to you, with my sweet sad heart.