Flesh-eating Caecilian

flesh eating amphibian caecilians

The Caecilian [wiki] is an amphibian that superficially resemble earthworms or snakes. But because it mostly lives hidden in the ground, it has become the least explored order of amphibians, and widely unknown. Not until recent, scientists discovered that it has a bizarre parental behaviour--the caecilian mother allows her young to peel off and eat her skin. It has been filmed on camera by building a set which resembled the creature's living environment for the broadcasting network's  Life In Cold Blood series.

One of the strangest meal-times in the animal kingdom has been caught on film by a BBC crew.

The female caecilian's skin becomes thicker and more nutrient-rich when she bears offspring.

And the young have specialised teeth for tearing and removing it.

The crew was able to catch this behaviour

It took several attempts to capture the footage; the caecilian babies would only eat their mother's skin for about 10 minutes, once every three days, and often at night.

Source: BBC. Click here to watch the footage.