George Clooney Hates Daniel Day-Lewis

George Clooney Daniel Day-Lewis combo picture

George Clooney didn't like Daniel Day-Lewis! The Best Supporting Actor of Oscar 2006 is now worrying about his chance to be awarded the Best Actor of this year's Academy Awards. From Ok!

Two years ago, George Clooney had a one in three shot of winning an Oscar and pulled through, picking up Best Supporting Actor for Syriana. This year, he has one shot, in Best Actor for Michael Clayton, but he's not feeling good about his chances.

"If you want my honest opinion, I think it's going to be Daniel Day-Lewis [who was nominated for the role in There Will Be Blood.]," he tells Extra. "He sort of irritates all of us because he's so good. I'll tell you right now, I don't like him!"

Oops! How Clooney is jealous of Daniel! Photo sources: Wenn & KtG