Shannon Price Gary Coleman Secretly Married

Shannon Price Gary Coleman wedding picture
Shannon Price Gary Coleman Wedding Picture (via PH)
Gary Coleman has secretly married 22-year-old Shannon Prince on August 28, 2007, the 40-year-old star of Diff’rent Strokes, talked exclusively to INSIDE EDITION.  The couple tied the knot on a Nevada mountaintop with only the minister, preacher, the videographers, the photographer and the helicopter pilot present. According to Gary Coleman himself, this is not just his first marriage — it’s his first time ever being in love. The age and height (Shannon Price's 5'7 vs Coleman, 4'8) gaps might not be the obstacles in their life, but Coleman's irritable temper seemingly does! “He lets his anger conquer him sometimes, I don’t like the violence, I really don’t…He throws things around, and sometimes he throws it in my direction…He’s got to damage something before his anger stops.” Shannon Price told in a separate interview with the Inside. No wonder Perez Hilton expected them to be divorced within three months.

Update: Gary Coleman died on May 28, 2010. Gary Coleman's death came after he suffered a head injury two days earlier and subsequently developed a brain hemorrhage which led him to be in unconsciousness and on life support. Coleman was 42 years old. He survived by his family and wife Shannon Prince minus a child.