Chris Rock-Anthony Pellicano Phone Conservation Tape Over Chris Rock-Monika Zsibrita Affair

The newly surfaced tape of Chris Rock, the fifth greatest stand-up comedian of all time voted by Comedy Central, revealing the lurid details of Chris Rock's one-night stand with Hungarian glamour model Monika Zsibrita (photo) in 1998 rocked the courtroom in the criminal trial of celeb private investigator Anthony Pellicano [wikipedia]. Below are some highlights of Chris Rock-Anthony Pellicano phone conservation:

CR: "I know the night we went to the Ivy she had on white pants. I only noticed cause my wife's real classy and subdued and I'm out with a girl with big tits and white pants. It's just, I know people were like, 'heeey'."

Pellicano excuses himself to "scream at my secretary."

Pellicano (reading from report): "He tried to pull out and ejaculated on her thighs. She immediately got up and went to the bathroom where she cleaned up with a Kleenex. She put the Kleenex in her pocket."

CR: I've been so set up...
AP: Did you come on her thighs?...
CR: I had a rubber on. I probably took it off right when I was getting ready to come. I probably came on her a*s.

AP: Did you stick it in her? Without a rubber?
CR: No

AP: Now we got to go get this thing legally, which means we gotta subpoena it.

CR: It never stops
AP: It's gonna stop. I'm going to make it stop.

AP: [On Richard Pryor] I know of him trying to kill himself at least 5 times.

AP: We're going to get her one way or the other... Does your old lady know what's going on?
CR: No. She thinks it's over, put it that way. She knows of it.

CR: Rape is just f--king, buzz, you know?... Once your accused of rape, you're just F--KED, you know?
AP: That's why i want to blacken this girl up, totally. I want to make her out to be a lying, scumbag, manipulative cocks--ker... Stupid b-tch
CR: I'm f--ked. I'm better getting caught with needles in my arm. WAY better. Needles, with pictures, there's Chris Rock shooting heroin. Much better blow to the career.