Helen Keller With Her Miracle Worker Teacher Anne Sullivan Rare 1888 Photo Found

Earliest photo of Helen Keller with her teacher Anne Sullivan The rare photograph (left) could be the earliest photo of a young Helen Keller with her teacher Anne Sullivan.

The photograph shows Keller sitting outside, holding Sullivan's hand and cradling a doll on Cape Cod in July 1888. The photograph was hidden in a family album for nearly 120 years before it has been uncovered recently.

Helen Keller had been left blind and deaf after an illness at the age of one-and-a-half-years-old. Anne Sullivan was hired as a tutor in 1887 to teach her.Helen Keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan

Helen learned language from words spelled manually into her hand with Sullivan. While "doll" was the first word spelled into her hand, Helen finally comprehended the meaning of language a few weeks later with the word "water," as famously depicted in the "The Miracle Worker."

Sullivan stayed at her side until her death in 1936, and Helen became a world-famous deafblind author.

Source: wikipedia; abc