10 Simple Household Tips to Save You Time and Money

10 Simple Household Tips to Save You Time and Money

By Faylee James

Sometimes it's the simple things we do that saves us the most money over time. Introducing even one new saving habit into our lives can make a big difference in our expenses. Add a new one each month and start seeing your savings account grow and grow.

[1] Re-use your bath towels. Our family uses 2 towels a week per person, changing them out on Wednesdays and Saturdays. After use, they hang on a hook on the back of the bathroom door, so they can dry between showers. Purchase the best quality bath towels you can afford. I have towels from Sears that I bought 20 years ago, that are still in good shape.

[2] Buy only white for towels and bedding. Having the same color will decrease the time you need in folding and pairing up sets. Get your color punch from bedspreads, throw pillows or other accessories.

[3] Store bed sheet sets in a pillow case, that way you have all you need to refresh your beds in one place.

[4] Pre-treat stains caused by cooking or body oils with dish washing liquid or shampoo. This gets even the WORST grease stain out of fabrics. Pre-treat stains as soon as you notice them. Do not dry garment that is still stained, re-treat and wash again.

[5] Only use drain cleaner when necessary. To avoid costly plumber bills clean your drains weekly with denture cleaners. Drop two denture tablets down your drain, slowly add 2 cups of boiling water, wait 5 minutes, then flush with hot water for a few minutes. I haven't needed a plumber in the ten years I have been doing this.

[6] Use as little prepared food as possible. Wash, dry and then tear up the head of lettuce when you get home from the grocery store so it will be available when you need it. You can also dice onions, peppers and other salad makings ahead of time, then store in the refrigerator. It cuts down the time to make a salad from 20 minutes to 2 minutes. Add a protein [chicken, steak, pork] to turn your salad into a meal.

[7] Before going grocery shopping make a list of what you have on hand. It stops over buying of unneeded items. Plan a weekly menu and try to use the items that you have on hand as the basis for several meals. This is especially important when you have fresh produce that will otherwise go to waste.

[8] Use 3-way bulbs whenever possible. You can adjust the watt usage, thus you save money on electricity.

[9] Learn to make small clothing repairs. Anyone can sew on a button or shorten a hem. It saves money and gives you confidence.

[10] Check clothing labels before buying. Only buy dry cleaning items when nothing else will do. I have seen wedding dresses that can be machine washed, so keep looking for that perfect washable clothing item. In the long run, it will save you money.

I want to invite you to visit me at http://www.HassiesKitchenTable.com for more saving tips, ideas and recipes on living life, using less money while enjoying it more.

Faylee James is a Life Coach/Writer/Consultant from Northeast Tennessee, who has an above average interest in people, cooking and living life to the fullest with a smile.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Faylee_James


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