Learn to Listen and Improve Your Relationship!

Learn to Listen and Improve Your Relationship!

By Marisa Marquez

It is important to remember to listen when you are communicating with your significant other. You care deeply for your wife, husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend and they deserve your undivided attention. Take the time to do nothing but listen to what your loved one is saying. Even if you do not like what they are saying do not tune them out. Your partner knows when you are tuning them out!

If you are speaking on the phone with your loved one do not do other activities at the same time. Discontinue whatever you are doing such as surfing the internet, reading, doing laundry or watching TV. Give them your full attention. They can tell when you are distracted. The smallest distraction may cause you to miss important information. Focus 100% on your partner when they are speaking to you. Take their words at value and do not misinterpret them. If you twist what they are saying they will talk to you future. Ask as many questions as you went once they are finished speaking.

Do not allow yourself to focus on a phrase they said just because it displeased you. Humans are visual creatures so make sure to watch your body language. Do not cross your arms, avoid eye contact, or wince when they is speaking. The conversation may end abruptly if your body language is conveying that you're not interested. You can use these listening techniques to improve how you communicate with everyone in your life. Listening takes practice so don't worry if you don't get it right the first time.

To get more information on how to improve your relationship GO TO http://www.howtokeepthatman.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marisa_Marquez


Disclosure: the above publication is for informational purposes only and it is not to be considered as expert advice.
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