burgers real vs ad 11

burgers real vs ad 11

Joseph + Tonja = Ayla Marie: Homemade Big Mac!
Then I placed the first burger on the bun, topped it with a slice of cheddar cheese, and sprinkled on some lettuce (pickles and onions are optional, they come on the real thing I choose to leave them out). I then placed the second bottom bun on top. Add second patty, no cheese, sprinkle lettuce, and spread top bun with special sauce. Now you have a yummy homemade Bic Mac to enjoy! My picture is not great, you get the idea! Posted by Tonja Keene at 10:43 AM ...
John Cleese rants â€" Soccer vs Football | My Blog
April 18, 2011 at 6:11 pm. @BigkKinny Oh dear! I thought I was conversing with someone with intelligence,that's why it was a reasonable reply, unfortunately not. Just another loud mouthed,pig ignorant, un-educated, American moron. Go yourself. ... We dont say chicken “burgers”, chicken PATTIES.Why do the british call garbage cans “dust bins” or sneakers “trainers”, or police officers “bobbys”. lolThere are all reasons for American terms and British terms. ...

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