Henry Hager Jenna Bush Wedding Won't Invite Reporters

Henry Hager Jenna Bush dancing picture

Henry Hager Jenna Bush Snuggling picture via

Henry Hager Jenna Bush's May 10 wedding is drawing near. The White House has ruled out that no invitation will be offered to the reporters.

Henry Hager Jenna Bush to get married in a Wedding at Texas Crawford Ranch

"I would reduce your level of concern and be assured that there will be absolutely no readout of the wedding, whatsoever. This really is a private event for the family.  If we can -- if the family decides -- and I think they may -- on Sunday to release a couple of photos of the ceremony, then we will certainly provide those to you.  But otherwise, I think the activities of the weekend are going to be a really private celebration for Jenna [Bush] and Henry [Hager]'s family and friends." Gordon Johndroe, the Spokesman for the White House National Security Council, told reporters flying with President Bush to Texas. Link