3 Tips to Looking Your Best For Less
By Tamara Jacobs
Every man wants to look good, but keeping up to date on the latest trends can get expensive (even if you're shopping at mid-range stores). What are some tips for dressing your best for less?
1. Money can't buy taste:
This isn't so much a tip as it is a mantra to live by, and a good one I thought, to start this article with. Sure it helps to have money when it comes to looking good. Not only can you buy fancy clothes, but you can update your wardrobe frequently and splurge on everything else that helps men (and women) look their best, including facials, haircuts, manicures, personal trainers and more. Having said that, having all of the money in the world won't make a difference if you don't have an eye for aesthetics and fashion doesn't mean anything to you. Some of the best dressed men in the world have been wearing the same jeans and peacoat for several seasons in a row, but they wear them well. They also know where to spend and where to save. If a new coat isn't going to happen this season, than maybe opt for a new hat or new driving gloves. There will always be ways to keep your wardrobe fresh, you just have to find them.
2. Buying the best of the cheapest:
It used to be that only the most expensive stores seemed to really keep up with fashion trends. Nowadays though, there is a plethora of inexpensive stores with their fingers on the pulse, including H&M, Zara, Uniqlo and more. Men on a budget would be well advised to visit those stores and even browse through their more formal wear. They will never end up spending as much as they would on designer clothes but they will look equally good.
3. Having the patience for vintage and outlet malls:
Having an eye for aesthetics and a passion for fashion means being able to pick out a diamond from the rough. If you're on a tight budget but wanting to look good, there's no reason why you shouldn't be willing to brave the clutter of a second-hand store or an outlet mall. It might take an entire day to get through the racks, but when you do you should come out with some great, one-of-a-kind finds.
There are all kinds of tricks to looking good for less. It starts with interest and ends with patience. A good place to start is with magazines. Pick the well dressed models and celebs you think you look like and see what looks good on them. Make a list of what you need and what you want and take it from there.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tamara_Jacobs
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