Vifill Atlason Called Bush's Phone Number

iceland high school student vifill atlason picture

Vifill Atlason interviewed on Icelandic TV Station (video here)

Introducing himself as Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, the actual president of Iceland, Vífill Atlason, a 16-year-old high school student from the country, was claimed to find President George W. Bush's allegedly secret telephone number and phoned. 

"I just wanted to talk to him, have a chat, invite him to Iceland and see what he'd say," Vífill was cited as saying in the AP report.

While the White House official denied the number 202-456-1414 that  Vifill Atlason accessed is a private number, the teenager and her mother insisted it was.

Vífill's mother, Harpa Hreinsdottir, a teacher at the local high school, said her son did, in fact, get through to a private phone.

"This was not a switchboard number of any kind," she told ABC News, "it was a secret number at the highest security level."

Vífill claims he was passed on to several people, each of them quizzing him on President Grímsson's date of birth, where he grew up, who his parents were and the date he entered office.

"It was like passing through checkpoints," he said. "But I had Wikipedia and a few other sites open, so it was not so difficult really."

When he finally got through to President Bush's secretary, Vífill alleges he was told to expect a call back from Bush.

"She told me the president was not available at the time, but that she would mark it in his schedule to call me back on Monday evening," he said.

"The police chief said they were under orders from U.S. officials to "find the leak" -- that I had to tell them where I had found the number," he said. "Otherwise, I would be banned from ever entering the United States."

"If the number were not top secret, why would the police have told me that I will be put on a no-fly list to America?" Vífill asked.

We are now sure only Bush's daughters get the privilege to call her him anytime without suspicions, for example, Just days ago Jenna Bush, made a direct call to her mom and dad from the Ellen Degeneres Show. Tags: , , , , ,