5 Cool Ways to Decorate a Room
By Ralphele Taylor
Have you ever wondered how it would feel to decorate your dream room? Or how it would feel to have that high-class feeling in the comfort of your own home? With 5 simple key points you can be a potential expert. With this knowledge you will gain the ability to decorate any room in any house. The most important step to follow is to get over procrastination. Once you gather yourself it's important to realize that you are working on a project, you must conduct a plan and execute it. Try to map out the plan before you start your work. Finally it's time to bring the picture to life.
• The background of the picture
The first key point to execute is to build your base, meaning to make sure the color of your carpentry will compliant the color scheme of the whole room. For example if the color scheme of your room is gray/navy blue, then you the color of your carpet should be a dark color that matches the walls.
The second key point is to add more to the base of the project. Find some elegant wall curtains to add some spice to your project. In any home, curtains make the room look that much better. Curtains add that comfort feeling, it also adds a privacy blanket. Knowing no one can see you while in the comfort of your own home gives you that safety factor.
The third key point is to pursue your personality, this is where the fun comes into the project. Find some Artwork that you can express yourself through. In fact, this helps your guest feel like they already know you in some kind of way. Try not to go overboard with the amount of paintings you would like include in your project, too many paintings can hurt a room. Paintings also have to flow with the color scheme of your room, bright and colorful paintings wouldn't work in a dark color scheme. It's important to realize how crucial the placing of each painting is, you have to know how to space each painting. Spacing out each picture gives the artwork more organization, which means it's easier to manage.
• Home is love, love is comfortable
You always want to feel comfortable in your home; this is the only place where you can just kick back after a hard day of work. This leads me to my next and forth key point. Try to purchase the most up to date furniture to give your room that fresh feeling. Grab a checklist for the following:
1. Standing Lamps (Also hanging lamps)
2. Leather Sofas
3. Cutting Edge Ceiling fans
4. Flawless Home Entertainment (optional)
5. Plants w/glass vase (optional)
Once you have completed your checklist you should map out how you want to place your furniture in your dream room. With that being said, this finally leads me to my last and final key point. You must make sure your room is organized like a showcase room. For example your dream room should be presentable enough to have your friends and family visit. Also when you're organized it's easier to place and find things you are looking for, the big bonus of being organized is you have that tidy and clean element added to the room.
• Now it's time to get up and do
You have now gained enough knowledge to get up and build your own dream room. You can take these 5 easy to follow key points, and decorate each room in your home and be the epitome of all your friends. You can now begin to create your project.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ralphele_Taylor
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