Best Instructions On How To Do Beach Makeup
Author: makeups
Wouldn't you like to flaunt a bikini at the beach with a toned body? Well, if your body is ready for the beach, why shouldn't your face be? Even when you are going out in the sun to play some beach volley ball or just to get sun tanned, you have to look presentable and gorgeous. Like you wear your daily makeup in the most simplest manner yet look radiantly pretty, you can have the same style for the beach as well. Beach makeup is a great way to try some bold eyeshadow colors along with a bright and sunny lipstick color. But do make sure, you have waterproof make up, since you're going to the beach and might have to take a swim! Given below are some very easy beach makeup tips to guide you through your lovely beach look, so read on and try these out.
Beach Makeup Ideas
One of the best things about beach makeup is that it gives you the liberty to try out all those bright and shiny colors on your eyeshadow palate, which you never use in daily life. Hence, when you're out at the beach on a weekend or a vacation, you can flaunt these beautiful colors for the whole day. There are two types of beach makeup, the some makeup ingredients which should be worn in the day and those which are not needed for the night. To make this idea a little more clear, let's take a look at how to do beach makeup from the following paragraphs.
Moisturizer and Sunscreen
The first thing you have to keep in mind when you go to the beach is, to keep your skin away from too much tan and dryness which can be caused due to the salt water. When you're at the beach for more than an hour, the sunlight and the salt water, can dry out any amount of sunscreen, even if it's the best. Thus, make sure you apply a lot of moisturizer all over your body and then put on the sunscreen. But even then, don't test your skin to the limit, as no skin care products guarantee full protection.
Foundation and Concealer
You can have a very thin layer of foundation applied before you put on your beach makeup, so your skin is protected and your makeup stays for a longer period of time. If you have applied a spray-on tan, try not to apply foundation as it will change the colors of your body and face. Try a waterproof foundation of the shade of your skin tone, as that will make your makeup look natural and not overdone. If you want to hide your dark circles and spots, and your foundation is not helping, try some concealer in the desired areas.
Eye Makeup
In your eye makeup try colors like, metallic blue, violets, greens and pinks for your eye liner as these colors accentuate the eyes and make them look very presentable. Using regular black and brown should be avoided as these colors are for daily looks, so when you're out for the weekend, try something different. For your eyeshadow, you can use colors like gold, yellow, pink, purple, blue, green and any metallic finish for these. They give your eyes a shine and look very attractive in the sun. Your mascara can also be of a different color than black and brown. Since you will be at the beach, try having a watery look like transparent mascara, which could be waterproof.
Lips and Cheeks
For your lips, you have to be bold with the colors you choose. Shimmery and shining colors like red, purple, pink, peach and sometimes brown, could be the colors or preference. Make sure you do not use Matt finish for your lipsticks as beach makeup is all about gloss and shine. For your blush, try keeping simple natural colors like baby pink, natural brown, and sometimes very pale red. You can have the best beach makeup with all these colors and tips to look good.
These tips for beach makeup will definitely give you a very stunning beach look and you can be sure to have those heads turning around with a combination of excellent body and makeup!
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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/cosmetics-articles/best-instructions-on-how-to-do-beach-makeup-4491775.html
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University Of Make Up Is An Online Video Training Course For Women Who Want To Learn How To Apply Makeup On Themselves or Others
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