The Latest Craze: Bacon Perfume

The Latest Craze: Bacon Perfume

Author: Elle Wood

The latest fragrance craze is bacon perfume. The perfume of bacon cooking on the stove on a Saturday morning has been bottled. There are many bacon lovers in the world that purchase funny bacon products, but this new fragrance is far from funny. The fragrance of bacon provides its users with an individual experience that lasts all day long.

The enjoyment bacon perfume users experience relates to the memory they have when they smell bacon. Think about what your first thought is when you smell bacon cooking. The general public associates the smell with comforting memories of home. It may be waking up to the smell of bacon cooking on a Saturday morning or going out to breakfast with your uncle. Regardless of the memory that the smell of bacon triggers, it allows you to reflect on previous happy experiences in your life.

The sense of smell is linked to the emotional part of your brain. It is a scientific fact that almost immediately after you smell something new your brain links it to a memory, person, idea, or something you have experienced in life. The trigger from a smell can also have a direct impact on our mood.

As a child you experience most smells for the first time, so many of your triggers for smells are associated with childhood. Every time you smell that scent thereafter, your brain associates the scent with that specific memory or idea. As a child we all experienced the smell of fresh cut grass for the first time. To this day we all love the smell of fresh cut grass; because it makes us feel good and takes us back to our youth.

John Fargginay was first to develop a fragrance that included bacon in 1920. After determining the potion had a direct impact on people by putting them in a better mood he began distributing the mixture to high class and famous individuals. Unfortunately, the recipe for the mixture was lost in 1924 after a tragic fire. Until now, the bacon perfume has been recreated to allow people to relive their unique memories triggered by the smell of bacon.

Remembering wonderful memories from the past is only a spray way, using the fragrance of bacon. To get a smile on your face, feel warmth in your heart and get some pep into your step wear bacon perfume and enjoy the memories.

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About the Author

Elle Wood invites you enjoy the scent of days past and present with John Fargginay's bacon perfume.

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