Kayo Aiko's Seventh single...

was released on May 25, 2005. The title is 'こころの惑星 ~Little planets~', with the Japanese portion of the title pronounced 'Kokoro no Wakusei', which could be translated as: 'Planet of the Heart'. The c/w is 'STEP BACK IN TIME', which is a cover of a song originally performed by Kylie Minogue.

It had been roughly half a year since Aiko released a single, having promoted four singles in one month the prior November. It was apparently time for a change, as the publicity for the song seemed to present her in a more mature fashion than anything released up to this point. Interestingly enough, this -- one of the most beautiful Kayo Aiko songs ever -- was paired up with one of her quirkiest songs. 'STEP BACK IN TIME' has yet to be included on any other release; ergo, if you want Aiko's entire catalog, you'll have to hook yourself up with this single.

I've never seen Aiko attempt to sing either song live, and I'm okay with that. Somehow the whole thing came together for one-time-only and the result was arguably the pinnacle of Aiko's career in music so far (I *am* keeping my hopes up). 'Little Planets' is such an exhilarating song. Only Kayo Aiko could sing a slow song like this - one that speaks of finding hope beyond all hope, bringing us to the point where all hope is lost, and then bring us back to where all is right with the world. *Only* Kayo Aiko can do this. Don't try and offer suggestions that anyone could do it better, because I'm just not listening to you.

According to Aiko herself, the video was shot in Guam. Guam this, and Guam that, she says, and if I'm incorrect, then I not only can't understand Japanese, but I also can't understand *anything* because she says it fifty times in the span of a couple minutes on the Aiko Kayohaku DVD 'discography' clip.

Forgetting all other past and possible future endeavors, I'll just say this: if you wanna say something bad about Ms. Kayo Aiko, think about this before you say anything at all... have *you* ever been flown to Guam for a video shoot? And when you got there, did *you* outshine the scenery?

The video, in terms of plot, isn't much to talk about. She hangs out in a field near the ocean, by some rusted bleachers (baseball bleachers, I'm assuming), and the video's producers have set up an easel and a wooden chair in the vicinity. She hangs out there, looking sullen, then sings along, then eventually sings the remainder of the song in a cathedral-type set.

While in the 'cathedral', Aiko might not look her cutest, nor is it the most 'I must have her now' moment of her career, but it's hard to imagine that any human being could possibly have been any more gorgeous than this. If there's better, I'd really like to see it. Really.

All in all, if you must force yourself to buy only *one* Kayo Aiko single, I'd say this is it. You'll get one of her best slow songs up front and one of her peppiest songs on the reverse side.

As a post-note, this song (Little Planets) was used for the first ending to the anime "Law of Ueki", which I understand has a reasonably good following. To tell you the truth, I'll let someone who knows about this series fill you in on it, I'm too busy enjoying the music.

Only five more single recaps to go, hang in there...