Evelyn Mezzich, a Peruvian Intoxication Manslaughter?

Evelyn Mezzich myspace photoLindsay Brashier photo

Evelyn Mezzich (picture left) is a Peruvian citizen, but she is actually a fugitive avoiding criminal charges in the United States.

When she was then studying at University of Texas as a freshman in1996, her intoxication driving caused her 18-year-old roommate Lindsay Ann Brashier (picture right) and paralyzed another. After being charged with intoxication manslaughter.

Evelyn Mezzich fled to her native country Peru in 1997 where now she is living in a "high life". She is married and expects the first child. This mother-to-be post has posted a lot of racy photos and videos depicting her drunk driving and pole dancing on the the social website MySpace.

The interesting thing about the Evelyn Mezzich case is that Lindsay Brashier’s father does not want them to bring her back here because it is just going to open the whole case up again and bring all the heart ache back. The girl’s mother is fighting to bring Evelyn Mezzich back to the states. But as a treaty between USA and Peru has been amended, Evelyn Mezzich will probably be finally extradited to USA and justified by the American justice.

Check out the full report of "Manslaughter Fugitive Lives High Life in Peru: On MySpace Page, Woman Who Fled Drunken Driving Crash Says Drinking a Favorite Pastime" on ABC.

P.s. If anyone knows Evelyn Mezzich's MySpace site, please drop a clue in the comments below. Tags: , , , , ,