Jose Espinosa & Otis Blunt's 'Shawshank'-Style Jailbreak

jose espinosa pictureotis blunt picture

Jose Espinosa & Otis Blunt picture (credit: AP)

Jose Espinosa, 20, and Otis Blunt, 32, reportedly staged a "'Shawshank'-style jailbreak at the Union County jail in New Jersey. The twosome used photos of bikini-clad women to hide holes they used to escape and left behind a thank-you note, signed with a smiley face, for a guard they claimed helped them.

They squeezed through the openings sometime before dawn Saturday on December 15 in a high-security unit of the jail, jumped onto a rooftop below, and made it over a 25-foot-high fence topped with razor wire. Until now they are still at large. Anyone run across the suspects who look like Espinosa and Blunt, don't hesitate to contact your local police, as these two men are very dangerous!

The jailbreak is reminiscent of one in the movie The Shawshank Redemption in which the main character, an inmate, uses posters of women, including of a bikini-clad Raquel Welch, to conceal an escape tunnel he had been digging. Source: FOXNews  #Tags: , , , ,