Tyna Marie Robertson Is A Stripper and Extorter (with Picture)

Tyna Marie Robertson photo

Tyna Marie Robertson (picture left, via), the ex-girlfriend of Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher, was ordered to pay $11M for extorting dancer Michael Flatley by California Superior Court Judge Michael L. Stern. Tyna Marie Robertson had consensual sex with Michael Flately in a Las Vegas hotel in 2002, but the stripper-turned real estate agent accused Flately of raping her and threatened to sue unless he agreed to pay a "seven figures" settlement.

After the lawsuit that Robertson filed a $33 million lawsuit in Illinois alleging sexual assault was dismissed, Flatly countered with a $100 Million lawsuit against Robertson and her lawyer D. Dean Mauro claiming extortion, intentional infliction of emotional distress and defamation at the California Supreme Court in 2006. Then the judge ruled in the favour of Michael Flateley. This month's judgment order against Robertson just formalized the ruling made earlier and awarded him $11m.

"Ms Robertson tried to extort money from me by spreading lies and the court sent a message that it will not tolerate these schemes," said Michael Flatley, 49, a famous Irish dance star who appeared in "Riverdance," "Lord of the Dance," "Feet of Flames" and "Celtic Tiger." Link Tags: , ,