Zawahiri: Mahmoud Abbas Is Traitor

zawahiri picture

In a new audio released online from purportedly Osama bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri has criticized Middle East leaders who attended November's Annapolis peace summit moderated by President Bush, CNN reported. 

In the 20-minute message, al-Zawahiri accuses Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, of being a "traitor" who has taken his people to the brink of disaster,

"I'm stunned at the politicians' stance who gave up four-fifths of Palestine, granting Mahmoud Abbas the authority to negotiate ... and then they finally cried out warning and condemning the conference after they saw with their own eyes the disaster which ... (Abbas) is driving them to," al-Zawahiri said.

"Is the traitor Mahmoud Abbas still the 'Brother President' after they condemned the conference? Is Mahmoud Abbas, the Agent, still the one invited for the dialogue, and Mahmoud Abbas the sellout is still the one they consider legitimate.

"Isn't it time for you to go back to the pure creed, which doesn't know compromises and political tricks and diplomatic ploys which obstructs religion and life?" he asks.

Mamoud Abbas might be 'the enemy' of Al-Qaeda, but not for the Western countries. You see, Middle East peace envoy -ex-UK prime mister Tony Blair is seeking $5.6bn of international aid for Palestinians at the coming Monday’s donor conference in Paris as part of a wider plan to create an economically independent state of Palestine. Tags: , , , , , ,