Amanda Gessner Is Upper Darby Setting-Fire Woman?

Amanda Gessner set afire 7 arsons

Amanda Gessner, pictured above, is a 19-year-old girl from Upper Darby town of Pennsylvania.

This employed woman hit the local news headline for allegedly setting seven fires in the vicinity of her home on February 10. She was was charged with arson, causing or risking catastrophe, criminal mischief, and related charges.

It seems Amanda Gessner is a pyromaniac. She was seen on various of fire scenes at her township in the past months.

According to Upper Darby Deputy Fire Chief John Hicks, Gessner "enjoyed seeing fire engines, enjoyed seeing fires, and enjoyed taking pictures of fires".

Update: Amanda Gessner is pregnant. She is being held in custody after being unable to post a $100,000 bail. Link