In the Beginning...

I was out on another search of the internet for Anything Kayo Aiko (so that my Society could aid in the Preservation of it), and didn't come up with much new stuff. I actually pulled up a few of the pics *I've* posted, so that's kind of a bummer. Obviously, if it's on this site, I already have it. So I decided to get some more Aiko pictures in circulation, and offer this little-seen glimpse into Aiko's life, pre-stardom, just being a regular ol' kid.

Here are 11 pictures of Ms. Kayo Aiko you've probably never seen before. I'll start with two photos taken just prior to her debut:

Aiko later gave that white stocking cap to LinLin so she could wear it in the 'Naichau Kamo' video. Just kidding. Shall we go back further? How about senior high school:

Still going... middle school:

More? Why yes... grade school:

Prepare for extreme cuteness. Kindergarten:

Yet further, roughly 400-600 *days* old:

Less than a year old? Got that, too. Here's one with her older brother, the only picture of him I've ever seen. You'd hardly recognize him now, I bet. I'm sure oniisan is quite protective of his baby sister, even today. So, sumimasen, oniisan, for posting this, but it's a wonderful, adorable picture:

Before you accuse me of stealing the Kayo family photo album, know that all these pictures are available on the Aiko Kayohaku DVD, so Ms. Kayo approves of displaying these pics to her fans. I used to think that only the people who bought the DVD should be able to see these, but there is so much more on there. I'm barely scratching the surface. Buy it! You get to hear Aiko speaking in hushed baby-talk about these pictures of herself as a wee one, and like everything else she does, *man*, it's so friggin' cute...

Okay, if your cold hearts haven't melted yet, here's one more, and I'm not sure she could get any younger. Yes, fans, this is Ms. Kayo Aiko herself. All together now: "AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!"

If and when these pictures become commonplace on the internet, you'll surely remember where you saw 'em first. There are plenty more on the way. Have a good weekend, Aiko fans!