
Ms. Kayo,

I know I promised a long time ago to keep this blog up, and I'm sorry.  Please don't give me that look.

It's not MY fault that there are only a handful of English-language Aiko Kayo resources online.

I was hoping that someone with a little more knowledge on the subject (and better language skeelz) might step forward and inform us about what's going on in your world, in our words.

I know, it was a nice dream to have.  Compared to the Japanese sources, they don't tell us anything over here.

Take, for example, the Girl's Box Movie "Lovers High" (DVD comes out August 16th 2008 -- that's this Saturday!!!), which is something I've been looking forward to seeing/owning for about a year now, maybe it's been longer.  To the kind people reading this, try searching for this film on Google, or anywhere else, I dare ya.  Find anything?

Okay, I know who's in it because I've seen the poster.  I know how much it costs because CDJapan is nice enough to spell the title in English.  I know it came out in 2008 because I'm livin' it.  So in blind faith I've spent more than $50 on the Special Edition, and I have no idea what's so darned 'Special' about it!  According to the CDJapan listing, there are NO SUBTITLES in either edition, so I'll spend a lot of time not knowing what anyone's talking about.  You'd think they could give a nod to the Western world for that price, and seriously, I hope the movie does well, but who else is going to understand it besides the natives?  Throw us a bone!

Then, contrast this with the encyclopedias being written about certain other artists (hey there, Tsunku!) who seem equally unconcerned with catering to the West.  Yet, the word is out and they're pushing wheelbarrows (yes, plural) filled with dollars and euros.

I like H!P, believe me, but the difference is fan support.  If only Avex would be slightly more aggressive in their marketing, their fans could be as rabid as most H!P fans and we might know the answers to a lot of Avex questions gone (thus far) unanswered in English. 

I'm probably more uppity than most people, learning how to read kana and kanji... and for those of you who think Japanese would be impossible to figure out, I was once like you, believe it or not.  I'm still not very good at it, but I'm the resident 'expert' in my corner of the world.

So, I'll do my best with the skills and information that I have, and I'll try not to go on endlessly about this disparity.  Maybe we'll get a few rabid fans on this side of the fence.