1300 Edison Chen Photos to Be Leaked Soon?

edison chen and gillian chung sex photos scandal picture

Edison Chen Photos scandal has entered 19 days, the story still took the front pages of many Chinese papers in Hong Kong. The two new pictures supposed to be Rachel Ngan and Bobo Chan appearing in HKGolden Forum on Feb 14 apparently showed that the mysterious "Kira" is not the only people who possessed all of of 1300 Edison Chen's scandalous sex photos, now an US celebrity gossip blog Hollywood Grind obviously also received them:

UPDATE! HG now has all 1300 pictures from Edison’s laptop. We will be posting them over the next few days. Check back to see them here!

There are picture sets of girls we haven’t been able to positively identify yet, so once we post them, we’ll need readers to help us give those girls a name. Pictures of Bobo are coming as well. It takes time to prepare the pictures so be patient.

Update: Feb17, 08. Oops! Hollywood Grind has changed the date from Feb 16 to Feb 17 to post "all 1300" Edison Chenphotos. We guess this is just a trick to attract those visitors who are keen to find all Edison Chen photos to return to the website.