Ralph Nader to Run for President of USA

Ralph Nader , the consumer advocate whose work on car safety in the 1960s led directly to seat belts and shatter-resistant glass being fitted in every American car, has annouced his presidential bid on NBC's "Meet the Press" saying that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are addressing the problems facing Americans. Ralph Nader also ran for president in 2000 and 2004 as a Green Party candidate. Needless to say, he had lost both battles for President Geroge W. Bush. Mr. Nader, who will have 74 year old birthday this week, is an Iraqi war opposer. Visit Ralph Nader's website www.nader.org (not www.ralphnader.org) to learn more of his views on American political agenda. If you are a Nader's supporter, click here to visit VoteNader.org to support him.