Taryn Manning Caused Jesse Metcalf to Have a Street Fight

Taryn Manning photo

Taryn Manning's boyfriend loves his actress girlfriend so much. Sure he  hates the man who has the physique contact with Taryn Manning (photo above, via Lava Hollywood). Unluckily, currenly, this man is Jesse Metcalf, the Desperate Housewives actor.

Actor Jesse Metcalf was involved in a street fight last night outside a Los Angeles nightclub. The incident occurred after he ran into his actress friend Taryn Manning. They hugged and began talking. When Metcalf put his arm around Manning, her boyfriend got angry.

The man attacked the ‘Desperate Housewives’ actor. The two were pulled apart by club employees. After the fight Metcalf headed to Boulevard 3 nightclub while Manning and her man went to Social.

Source: TWN