Kayo Aiko's Eighth Single

...was released on July 27, 2005. The title is 彼女はゴキゲンななめ, which is pronounced 'Kanojo wa Gokigen Naname' and can be translated as 'She's in a Bad Mood'. The c/w is さすらいの天使, which is pronounced 'Sasurai no Tenshi', and can be translated as 'Wandering Angel'.

So it was back to the upbeat A-side for Ms. Kayo, and she has not since released a slow single. While it seems that "Little Planets" gained her a lot of exposure, or at least was the most expensive video she'd ever made, why the powers-that-be decided to go in a completely different direction for this next song is not clear.

Between singles, the DVD "Aiko Kayohaku" was released, which featured all seven of her videos thus far, and newly-produced interludes that featured Aiko in all sorts of 'fetish gear', a cutsie apron during the cooking segment, a tennis dress and a golf outfit for the sports segment (think Arnold Palmer, not Payne Stewart), a Minnie-Mouse-ish dress with a polka-dot hair bow for the discography. And, as a bonus for us boys, there's the added luxury of seeing Aiko in a short dress with thigh-high boots, as she gives the introduction and, as well, for the send-off.

"Aiko Kakohaku" is still a must-have for anyone who wants to be a member of the S.P.A.K.A., so here, let me show you where it's at, oh, where's that link, hang on... here it is, sorry about that.

There are a few exclusives on the disc, not the least of which is a series of photographs of Aiko from age 0-19, and she was never *not* cute, by the way.

So, speaking of Aiko being cute, the PV for 'Kanojo wa Gokigen Naname' was one of the first videos I saw, and definitely the first one I played over and over and over. Lots of closeup shots of Aiko's facial features, none of which could even be remotely described as 'disturbing' or 'not pretty'... those eyes, those lips, those... nose!

The female Japanese Ramones rock out in the lava-lamp infested background. N-squares and split-screens abound.

Aiko wears three different outfits in the duration of this video: one, an aqua Galsville t-shirt and white spring skirt, another, a purple corset-inspired top with a black ruffled skirt and thigh-high boots (yum), and a third pink pleather dress with the most outlandish hair bow ever made. All three outfits are flattering, to say the least, and I'd like to take Aiko shopping someday, just to see her try on anything she wants. She switches between outfits by jumping in and out of a 'bar' of outfits. She lets out a frustrated scream. I'll describe no further, you will see for yourself...

The c/w 'Sasurai no Tenshi' is probably my least favorite Aiko song, because it's just kind of 'there' rather than totally awesome. The music is upbeat, but doesn't really go anywhere. It's the least likely to be chosen as *the* song to represent Aiko, and whenever I get in the mood to listen to Aiko, this isn't my first choice. Still, it's Aiko, so I've got to give it that.

Although 'Kanojo' is a spectacular song with a very well-suited video, the single probably isn't for the casual fan. In fact, it's the only Aiko single I haven't got, since both songs were later included with her first album 'Dolce', the first Aiko CD I bought. This should change in the near future, as the DVD that comes with the single has a 'making of' that I've never seen. After all, the word 'anything' is part of the acronym 'S.P.A.K.A.' I really need to follow my own rules here...