Barack Obama Top Ten List David Letterman Late Show

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has made 10 campaign promises Thursday on the "Late Show With David Letterman" everyone can be pretty sure he won't keep:

10. To keep the budget balanced, I’ll rent the Situation Room for sweet 16s.
    9. I will double your tax money at the craps table.
    8. Appoint Mitt Romney secretary of lookin’ good.
    7. If you bring a gator to the White House, I’ll wrassle it.
    6. I’ll put Regis on the nickel.
    5. I’ll rename the 10th month of the year “Barack-tober.”
    4. I won’t let Apple release the new and improved iPod the day after you bought the previous model.
    3. I’ll find money in the budget to buy Letterman a decent hairpiece.
    2. Pronounce the word nuclear, nuclear.
    1. Three words:  Vice President Oprah.
