Christine Beatty Is Kwame Kilpatrick's Extra-marital Lover? (Picture)

christine beatty picture
Christine Beatty, pictured left, is the chief of staff for Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (click here to see the full member list of Kilpatrick's Cabinet). Beatty is alleged of having extra-marital affairs with Kilpatrick by Detroit Free Press which obtained the twosome's SMS messages containing very explicit texts:

"I'm madly in love with you," Kilpatrick wrote on Oct. 3, 2002.
"I hope you feel that way for a long time," Beatty answered. "In case you haven't noticed, I am madly in love with you, too!"
Other texts contain sexual content, like this exchange on April 8, 2003:
Beatty: "And, did you miss me, sexually?"
Kilpatrick: "Hell yeah! You couldn't tell. I want some more."
SkyTel, the Mississippi-based company that provided text devices to the city, confirmed the existence of messages to the Free Press.
Update: Christine Beatty resigned her post as chief of staff on the morning of January 28, saying the text-message scandal engulfing the Kwame Kilpatrick's administration has left her unable to do her job effectively.