Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Heath Ledger Funeral

fred phelps, westboro baptist church picketing heath ledger funeral annoucement

Not long after Brokeback Mountain actor Heath Ledger succumbed to his overdose of drug, Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), a (non-acknowdged) Baptist church that condemns lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, announced they will picket Ledger's funeral, for him doing 'vile' gay things with Jack Gyllenhaal.

"Brokeback Mountain star--Heath Ledger--is dead. WBC will picket his funeral." Fred Phelps' controversial organization proclaimed in the news releas. "Heath Ledger is now in Hell and has begun serving his eternal sentence - beside which, nothing else about Heath Ledger is relevant or consequential." Source: Holy Moly